G.R. Dt.28th May, 2001 – Department of Housing- Sub:-Declaration of Slums on Private Lands in Maharashtra


Declaration of Slums on Private Lands

Government of Maharashtra

Department of Housing

Government Resolution No:-GaVaSu-1019/Pra.Kra.166/ZoPaSu-1

Mantralaya, Mumbai-400 032

Dated 28th May, 2001



            Slums are declared under Section 4 of the Maharashtra Slums Act, 1971. The Government, from time to time, has issued directions regarding declaration of slums. However, no Government Resolution has been issued stating a Policy decision on the specific number of huts which would be required for the declaration of area.

            Having regard to the Policy for the declaration of slums, the recommendations made by the Afzalpurkar Committee for the Slum Rehabilitation Scheme vis-à-vis cluster approach, as well as the terms and conditions contained in Section 4 of the Act, the Government contemplated the matter of taking a Policy Decision as to the declaration of slums. Accordingly, the Government has resolved as hereunder:-


            While declaring eligible slums on private lands under Section 4 of the Slums Act, 1971, the smalls slums having minimum 25 huts, where the area covered by such slums does not exceed 250 Sq.Mt, alone shall be eligible for declaration as a slum. In other words, while declaring small slums, 25 huts and 250 Sq.Mt. area should be reckoned as the criteria.

            The slums on private lands having an area in excess of 250 Sq.Mt. and minimum 25 or more huts, should be declared with the sanction of Government.

            By the order and in the name of the Governor of Maharashtra,

                                                                                    Sd/- Date


                                                            Deputy Secretary, Government of Maharashtra


[Text Translated by Adv. Prakash Manohar Chalke-

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