Please take notice that Mr/Mrs/Miss_____________________, an adult Indian inhabitant of ________________________________________, (hereinafter referred to as “my client”) has entered into negotiations with Mr/Mrs/Miss__________________________, an adult Indian inhabitant of ________________________________________, (herein after referred to as the “other party”) for the purchase of the landed estate comprising agricultural land and a farmhouse situated thereon (herein after referred to as the “said property”), owned and occupied by the “other party”, being and lying at __________________ and more particularly described in the “Schedule of property” written hereunder and the said negotiations have reached the final stage of culmination.
In view of the above, my client hereby gives a notice to the public at large and calls upon all or any person/s who have any right, title, interest in the “said property” prejudicial to the interest of the “other party” and who have already filed any suit, claim, dispute, petition, appeal or other like proceedings or obtained any decree, award or other order concerning the subject matter of the “said property” or who intend to file any such proceedings as described above for enforcing their right in the “said property”, to submit all their objections and claims in writing along with supportive documentary proofs thereof, to the undersigned within a period of fifteen days of the date of publication of this notice, failing which “my client” will presume that no adverse claims or objections concerning the “said property” exist or if they do exist, they stand waived hereinafter; and in such event “my client” will proceed to complete the transaction of sale as envisaged by both the parties. So please do note.
Place:- Mumbai.
Advocate & Solicitor
Off Address:————————-
All that piece and parcel of agricultural land admeasuring about_____ Hectares and______ Gunthe, along with a farmhouse admeasuring about_______ Sq.Feet, bearing Gatt No.______ and Hissa No.______ from Village Survey No._____ being and situate at Village_________, Taluka__________, District_________ in the Revenue Division____________, together with all standing crops, grass, trees and timber, agricultural implements and tools lying in or about the farmhouse as also the wells and other existing facilities for irrigation.