[English Translation]


Check List in case of Adjudication

Sr. No Item Remarks
1. Whether Adjudication Application is in the prescribed form? Yes/No
2. Whether the requisite court fee stamp of Rs.5/- is affixed to the Adjudication Application? Yes/No
In case the parties to the instrument have empowered or in case on behalf of the party to the instrument power has been given, whether Letter of Authority/Power of Attorney has been submitted? Yes/No
3. Whether two copies of the instrument covered by the Adjudication submitted? Yes/No
4. Whether the party has paid the Adjudication Fee of Rs. 100?

(for every second copy Rs. 100 additional)

Receipt No:- ………… : Date:- …………..

5. Whether the Affidavit in the prescribed format which must accompany the instrument (on plain paper), has been submitted?

Applicant’s declaration

6. Whether the factors which influence the market value of the property covered by the instrument have been mentioned in the instrument and the requisite proofs thereof duly submitted?  e.g.

[A] Particulars of Property:-

* In case of agricultural land, area thereof in Hectares_____, Are____;

Charge:- Rs.______Paise________

* In case of Plot, area in Sq. Mt,

* In case of built up property whether the area is carpet or built-up area,

* Tenant occupied Area,

* Four Boundaries of the land/plot, along with 7/12 Extract, CTS extract and other relevant documents.

[B] Advantages/Disadvantages of the property:-

* Whether the property is adjacent to Highway?

* Whether any Mall is nearby?

* Is there any Major Project around?

* Whether a crematorium is nearby?

* Whether it is adjacent to nullah?

* Is there any High Pressure Power line nearby?

* Whether it is situated in a slum, CRZ, ND Zone?

[C] Other factors which influence the evaluation and stamp duty:-




7. Where the property covered by the instrument is of built-up type and the parties desire to claim the depreciation in Market Value, whether the requisite proof as per the instructions given in the Table of Market Rates has been submitted? Yes/No

Not Applicable

8. In case the property covered by the instrument is occupied by the tenants, whether the requisite proofs as per the instructions in the Table of Market Rates, List of Tenants, Area, Monthly Rent Receipts are available? Yes/No

Not Applicable

9. In case the property covered by the instrument belongs to No Development Zone/Reserved Type, whether the Zone Certificate from the Municipal Council/Municipal Corporation/MMRDA/Town Planning Department has been submitted? Yes/No

Not Applicable

10. In case any Stamp Duty Amnesty/Rebate as declared under the Maharashtra Stamps Act or the Notification issued by the Government is claimed, whether the requisite proofs/certificates in that regard have been submitted? Yes/No

Not Applicable

11. Whether the stamp duty paid under any prior instrument is to be set-off (deduction), whether the original copy of that instrument has been submitted? Yes/No

Not Applicable

Applicant’s signature                                                                      Clerk


Form of Application to be submitted under section 31 of the Maharashtra Stamp Act for Adjudication

                                 Date:-  ___/____/20__


Stamp Collector___________

Sub:- Regarding Adjudication of the instrument under Section 31 of the Maharashtra Stamp Act.


Under section 31 of the Maharashtra Stamp Act, the instrument is enclosed for the purpose of Adjudication. The details thereof are as under:-

  1. Full Name & Address of the Applicant:————————


  1. Telephone No:———————————————-

Mobile No:- ———————————————

E-mail No:- ——————————————–

  1. Type of Instrument:——————————————
  2.   Names of parties who have executed / about to execute the Instrument

(a) Party giving the property:———————————

(b) Party taking the property:———————————

  1.   Date of execution of the instrument:- ————————
  2.   Agreed Consideration of the property:———————–
  3.   Description of the property: Name of Village:——-   Taluka:——– District:———————————   Survey No:————————- Plot No:—————-Area:- Hectare———–Are————                                   If built up:———————————–
  1.   Brief Reasons for referring the case for Adjudication:-                 1]———————————————





  1. Other information, if any:- ————————————

We have submitted the instrument and the requisite ancillary documents as per the Check-List accompanying the application and deposited the Adjudication Fee with the Government; You are requested to kindly get the instrument adjudicated.



Yours Sincerely,

( Sd/-……………)

Name of the Applicant———————————


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