G.R. Dt. 16th May, 2023- Department of Co-operation, Marketing and Textile- Sub-Establishment of Cashew Board in Maharashtra


Regarding Establishment of Maharashtra State Cashew Board for the Development of Cashew Crop in Maharashtra

Government of Maharashtra

Department of Co-operation, Marketing and Textile

Government Resolution No:-Kru.Pa.Man-0523/Pra.Kra.180/21-Sa

Madam Cama Road, Hutatma Raj Guru Chowk,

Extension Building, Mantralaya, Mumbai-400 032

Dated 16th May, 2023


Government Resolution in the Department of Agriculture and ADF, bearing No:-KaViDho-2020/Pra.Kra.176/9-A, Dated 16.02.2023.



            In view of the difficulties faced by the farmers in the cultivation of cashew crop, its processing and sale, a Cashew Crop Development Committee presided over by the then Hon’ble Minister of State was constituted, vide Government Resolution in the Department of Agriculture and ADF, dated 18.07.2018. In furtherance of the recommendations made by this Committee, sanction was granted for extending Cashew Crop Development Scheme in the Meeting of the Hon’ble Cabinet held on 13.12.2022 and accordingly, the Department of Agriculture and ADF, issued the above referred Government Resolution, dated 16.02.2023 for extending Cashew Crop Development Scheme for the comprehensive development of cashew in Maharashtra. Recommendation No.6 contained in Point No.(D) of the Chart contained in Paragraph 6 of the this Government Resolution, incorporates a decision regarding establishment of Cashew Board and providing this Board a share capital of Rs.50 Crore, in consultation with the Department of Planning and Finance. In furtherance of the said Government Resolution, the Government contemplated the proposal of establishing Maharashtra State Cashew Board for the development of cashew crop in Maharashtra.


            By this Government Resolution, Government sanction is hereby accorded for the establishment of “Maharashtra State Cashew Board” for the development of cashew in Maharashtra.

            2. Operational Area, Registration, Composition, Powers and Functions of the Maharashtra State Cashew Board shall be as hereunder.

                2.1 Operational Area of the Maharashtra State Cashew Board:-

            The operational area of the Maharashtra State Cashew Board shall extend to the whole of Konkan Division in the State and Ajra and Chandgad Talukas of Kolhapur District.

                2.2 Registration of Maharashtra State Cashew Board:-

                    (a) Sanction is hereby granted for the registration of Maharashtra Cashew Board under Section 8 of the Indian Companies Act, 2013.

                    (aa) Sanction is hereby granted for the appointment of a Chartered Accountant or a Company Secretary before registration and to get Memorandum of Understanding (MoM) and Articles of Association (AoA) of the Board prepared by them.

                    (e) The Executive Director of the Maharashtra State Agriculture Marketing Board, Pune is hereby authorised to complete the aforesaid procedure.

                2.3Composition of the Maharashtra State Cashew Board:-

                    (a) Composition of the Maharashtra State Cashew Board shall be as hereunder:-

Sr. No.MemberDesignation
1.Hon’ble Minister, Marketing, Maharashtra StatePresident
2.Additional Chief Secretary, Co-operation and Marketing, Maharashtra GovernmentDirector
3.Managing Director, Maharashtra State Co-operative Marketing Federation Ltd., MumbaiDirector
4.Deputy Secretary/Joint Secretary, Department of Finance, Government of MaharashtraDirector
5.Deputy Secretary/Joint Secretary, Department of Planning, Government of MaharashtraDirector
6.Deputy Secretary/Joint Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Government of MaharashtraDirector  
7.Deputy Secretary/Joint Secretary, Department of Marketing, Government of MaharashtraDirector
8.Executive Director, Maharashtra State Agriculture Marketing Board, PuneDirector
9.Deputy General Manager, APEDA, New MumbaiDirector
10.Independent Directors-4 Cashew Processing Entrepreneurs-1 Cashew Processing Farmers-1 Representatives of the Federation of Co-operative Cashew Processing Projects-1 Cashew Processing Expert from Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Agriculture University-1Director
11.Chief Executive OfficerMember Secretary

            (aa) The tenure of Non-Government Members on the aforesaid Board of Directors shall be for 3 years.

            (e) Officers from the Department of Mantralaya Service/Co-operation/Revenue/Agriculture, in S-23 Pay Scale Grade or above on deputation, shall grace the office of Chief Executive Officer.

            (ee) The President of the Maharashtra State Cashew Board shall have the powers to replace/remove or re-induct Non-Government Members before expiry of their tenure.

                2.4 Office of Maharashtra State Cashew Board:-

            In order to facilitate various decisions in the course of business of the Cashew Board and their implementation, the Board shall have its Head Office and Division Office at following places:-

                    (a) Head Office:- Radiation Facility, Marketing Board, Vashi, New Mumbai.

                    (aa) Divisional Office:-

                        1. Divisional Office, Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board, Ratnagiri.

                          2. Sindhudurga.

                2.5 Functions of Maharashtra State Cashew Board:-

            Functions of Maharashtra State Cashew Board in the fields of promotion, processing, value addition and marketing shall be as hereunder:-

                    (a) Promotional Work:-

                        (1) To create Brand of state cashew and to advertise and publicise the same.

                         (2) To expand G.I.Tag Rating awarded to cashew crop.

                        (3) To create website of Cashew Board.

                        (4) To promote and publicise Cashew Board and GI through International Exhibitions and to promote and propagate its Brand through website.

                         (5) To arrange Training Classes, Demonstrations etc.

                    (aa) Functions in the matter of Cashew Processing and Value Addition:-

                        (1) To boost setting up of cashew processing industry.

                         (2) To procure cashew seeds to sustain cashew processing projects throughout the year and to make them available to processing industry.

                         (3) To boost a state-of-the art Centralised Facility necessary for processing industry.

                         (4) To promote industry based on cashew bi-products.

                    (e) Marketing Work:-

                         (1) To provide various options for the sale of cashew.

                         (2) To boost domestic trade.

                         (3) To guide and promote cashew exports.

                         (4) To register cashew producers, vendors, processors, consumers and exporters and to lay down procedure in that regard.

                    (ee) Other Ancillary Work:-

                        (1) To prepare a Business Development Plan (BDP) for cashew business in the state.

                         (2) To supply facilities, as well as cashew to Retail Sector companies.

                         (3) To prepare Detailed Project Report for private/public sector and to lend them guidance up to the stage of commissioning.

                         (4) To provide loans to cashew producers against collateral of agricultural produce.

                    2.6 Manpower for the Board:-

            For facilitating work of the Maharashtra State Cashew Board manpower from the Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board should be utilised.

            3. Under the aforesaid Government Resolution dated 16th February, 2023 in the Department of Agriculture and ADF, it has been resolved to set up a Cashew Board and to provide this Board with share capital of Rs. 50 Crore in consultation with the
Department of Planning and Finance and to meet this expenditure from the periodic expenditure made available to the respective departments. Accordingly, sanction is hereby granted for opening a new Account Head for releasing funds to the Maharashtra State Cashew Board.

            4. This Government Resolution has been made available on the website of the Government of Maharashtra viz. www.maharashtra.gov.in and its Code Number is 202305161727093002. This Government Resolution is attested and issued under digital signature.

            By the order and in the name of the Governor of Maharashtra,

                        SUGRIV SAMBHAJI DHAPATE – Digital Signature

                        [Dr. Sugriv S. Dhapate]

                        Joint Secretary, Government of Maharashtra


1] The Principal Secretary to the Hon’ble Governor,

2] The Principal Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief Minister, Maharashtra State, Mantralaya, Mumbai,

3] The Secretary to the Hon’ble Deputy Chief Minister, Maharashtra State, Mantralaya, Mumbai,

4] Leaders of Opposition in the Legislative Assembly/Legislative Council, Vidhan Bhawan, Mumbai,

5] Private Secretaries to all Ministers, Mumbai,

6] All Members of the Legislature, Vidhan Bhawan, Mumbai,

7] The Chief Secretary, Maharashtra State, Mantralaya, Mumbai,

8] The Additional Chief Secretary (Finance), Department of Finance, Mantralaya, Mumbai,

9] The Additional Chief Secretary (Planning), Department of Planning, Mantralaya, Mumbai,

10] The Additional Chief Secretary (Co-operation and Textile), Department of Co-operation, Marketing and Textile, Mantralaya, Mumbai,

11] The Principal Secretary (Agriculture), Department of Agriculture and ADF, Mantralaya, Mumbai,

12] All Additional Chief Secretaries/Principal Secretaries/Secretaries, Mantralaya, Mumbai,

13] The Managing Director, Maharashtra State Co-operative Marketing Federation Ltd., Mumbai,

14] The Joint Secretary (Marketing), Department of Co-operation, Marketing and Textile, Mantralaya, Mumbai,

15] All Divisional Commissioners,

16] All District Collectors,

17] The Director of Marketing, Maharashtra State, Pune,

18] The Executive Director, Maharashtra State Agriculture Marketing Board, Pune,

19] The Deputy General Manager, APEDA, New Mumbai,

20] The Accountant General, Maharashtra State-1 (Accounts and Entitlement/Audit), Mumbai,

21] The Accountant General, Maharashtra State-2 (Accounts and Entitlement/Audit), Nagpur,

22] The Resident Audit Officer, Mumbai,

23] The Pay and Accounts Officer, Mumbai,

24] Select File (21-Sa).


[Text Translated by Adv. Prakash Manohar Chalke-

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