G.R. dt. 3rd March, 2023 – Department of Housing – Sub- Permission for Multi-Storeyed Building on Common Land of the same Family under PMA (Urban) Yojna


                                                Regarding Grant of Permission for the Construction of Multi-Storeyed Building on the Common Land held by more than one beneficiaries from the same Family under Component No.4 – Economically Weaker Component (BLC) of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna (Urban)

Government of Maharashtra

Department of Housing

Government Resolution No:-PraAaYo-2020/Pra.Kra.120/GruNiDho-2

Mantralaya, Mumbai-400 032

Dated 3rd March, 2023


Minutes of the 50th Meeting of the Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee held on 22.01.2020.



            The Central Government has issued Guidelines regarding Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna (Urban). Since family forms part of this Scheme, definition of family is also mentioned therein. Under Component No.4 of this Scheme, grant is given to beneficiaries from the Economically Weaker Component for the construction of a housing unit on their self-owned land. On 05.01.2019, the Central Government made an amendment therein, which now qualifies an earning member of the age of majority from the eligible family under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna (Urba) for the housing unit under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna.

            Under these circumstances, it has been noticed that other eligible beneficiaries from the family cannot avail of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna (Urban) , since the entire land stands in the name of Head of Family under Joint Family System. Hence, the Government contemplated the matter of permitting beneficiaries from the same family having common land to carry out multi-storeyed construction under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna (Urban) in furtherance of the Policy of the Central Government.


            As per the decision taken in the 50th Meeting of the Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (CSMC) of the Central Government, where there are more than one beneficiary of the Pradhan Manti Awas Yojna (Urban) from the same family under Component No. 4 (BLC) of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna (Urban) having their common land, then such eligible beneficiaries are hereby permitted to construct a muti-storeyed building on their common land under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna (Urban), so that they can avail of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna (Urban).

            2. This Government Resolution has been made available on the website of the Government of Maharashtraand its Code Number is 202303031601531109. This Government Resolution is attested and issued under digital signature.

            By the order and in the name of the Governor of Maharashtra,

                        Digitally signed by RAJU GULABRAO AMBADEKAR

                        Date:-2023.03.03 16:06:44 +05’30

                        [Raju Amabdekar]

                        Desk Officer, Government of Maharashtra


1] The Secretary to the Hon’ble Governor, Raj Bhawan (By Letter),

2] The Principal Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief Minister, Mantralaya, Mumbai-32,

3] The Personal Assistant to the Hon’ble DeputyChief Minister, Mantralaya, Mumbai-2,

4] Hon’ble Leader of opposition in the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly, MLA, Vidhan Bhawan, Mumbai,

5] Hon’ble Leader of opposition in the Maharashtra Legislative Council, Vidhan Bhawan, Mumbai,

6] The Chief Secretary, Government of Maharashtra, Mantralaya, Mumbai-32,

7] The Principal Secretary(UD-2), Department of Urban Development Mantralaya, Mumbai-32,

8] The Vice-President and Chief Executive Officer, Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority, Griha Nirman Bhawan, Bandra (East), Mumbai-51,

9] The Metropolitan Commissioner, MMRDA, Mumbai/MMRDA-Pune/NMRDA-Nagpur,

10] The Managing Director, CIDCO, Belapur, New Mumbai,

11] All Divisional Commissioners,

12] All District Collectors,

13] The Commissioner and Director, Directorate of Municipal Administration, New Mumbai,

14] All Enforcement Agencies,

15] Select File/GruNIDho-2, Desk, Department of Housing, Mantralaya, Mumbai-32.


[Text Translated by Adv. Prakash Manohar Chalke-

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