(To be published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-II, Section 3, Sub-section (ii) of dated the 6th January, 2011)
Government of India
New Delhi, the 6th January, 2011
S.O.20(E).- WHEREAS the Central Government vide its notification number S.O.114(E), dated the 19th February, 1991, (hereinafter referred to as the said notification), declared Coastal Regulation Zone and imposed certain restrictions on the setting up and expansion of industries, operations and processes in the said Zones for its protection.;
AND WHEREAS, the Central Government, issued a separate notification for the
environmental management of Andaman and Nicobar (hereinafter referred to as the AandN) and Lakshadweep and for this purpose a preliminary Notification was published vide number 2291(E), dated the 15th September, 2010 under sub-section (1) and clause (v) of sub section (2) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986), read with sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 and in supersession of the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment and Forests (hereinafter referred to as the MoEF), number S.O.114(E), dated the 19th February, 1991, in so for as it relate to the AandN and the Lakshadweep
AND WHEREAS, copies of the said Gazette were made available to the public on 25th February, 2010;
AND WHEREAS, the suggestions and objections received from the public have been considered by the Central Government;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) and clause (v) of sub- section (2) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986), the Central Government, with a view of providing livelihood security to the local communities including the fisherfolk and tribals, promote conservation and protection of Islands unique environment and its marine area and to promote development through sustainable integrated management plan based on scientific principles taking into account the vulnerability of the coast to natural hazards, hereby
declare the coastal stretches of Middle Andaman, North Andaman, South Andaman and Greater Nicobar and entire area of the other islands of Andaman and Nicobar and the Lakshadweep and their water area upto territorial water limit as the Islands Protection Zone (hereinafter referred to as the IPZ) and restricts the areas from the setting up and expansion of any industry, operations or processes and manufacture or handling or storage or disposal of hazardous substances as specified in the Hazardous Substances (Handling, Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2009, except in the manner provided in the Island Coastal Regulation Zone (hereinafter referred to as the
ICRZ) and Integrated Islands Management Plans (hereinafter referred to as the IIMPs);
In exercise of powers also conferred by clause (d) and sub rule (3) of rule 5 of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and in supersession of the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment and Forests, number S.O.114(E), dated the 19th February, 1991 except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the Central Government hereby declares the following areas as Island Protection Zone and imposes with effect from the date of the notification the following restrictions on the setting up and expansion of industries, operations or processes,-
- Environmental management for the Islands of Andaman and Nicobar (hereinafter referred to as the AandN) and Lakshadweep shall be managed as follows:-
- the entire island of AandN other than the four islands mentioned in sub-para B below shall be managed as per IIMPs;
- In view of the large geographical area of the islands of Middle Andaman, North Andaman, South Andaman and Greater Nicobar, these islands shall be managed as per the Island Coastal Regulation Zone (hereinafter referred to as the ICRZ).
- The Islands of AandN and Lakshadweep other than the four mentioned in sub-para B and Lakshadweep shall be managed based on the IIMPs which will be prepared as per the following guidelines, namely:-
(a) Preparation of Integrated Islands Management Plan,-
(1) the AandN Administration shall, within a period of one year from the date of this notification, for the purpose of integrated sustainable development of the AandN Islands Protection Zone, prepare the IIMPs, inter-alia, specifying therein the areas indicating all the existing and the proposed developments, conservation and preservation schemes, dwelling units including infrastructure projects such as, schools, markets, hospitals, public facilities, and the like;
(2) the Lakshadweep Islands Administration shall, within a period of one year from the date of this notification, for the purpose of integrated sustainable development of the Lakshadweep Islands Protection Zone, prepare the IIMPs, inter-alia, specifying therein the areas indicating all the existing and the proposed developments, conservation and preservation schemes, dwelling units including infrastructure projects such as, schools, markets, hospitals, public facilities, and the like;
(3) the Islands Administration may, if it consider necessary, take the help of research institutions having experience and specialisation in coastal resource management in the preparation of IIMPs taking into account the guidelines specified in Annexure-I to this notification.
(4) all activities in the Islands and the aquatic areas shall be regulated by the AandN Administration or the Lakshadweep Islands Administration, as the case may be, on the basis of IIMPs;
(5) the developmental activities in the Islands shall be included in the IIMPs in accordance with rules, regulations and building bye-laws of local town and country planning for the time being in force in the Islands;
(6) the requirements of the Ministry of Defence, if any, shall be incorporated in the IIMPs and all defence related projects shall be assessed by a Committee consisting of the Secretary in the MoEF, Secretary in the Ministry of Defence and the Chief Secretaries of the AandN Islands Administration, or as the case may be, the Lakshadweep Islands Administration;
(7) the IIMPs shall be prepared separately for each island, and, as may be required from time to time;
(8) ecologically sensitive areas as specified in item (a) of sub-paragraph (B) of paragraph III to this notification shall be taken into consideration while preparing the IIMP:
Provided that if those areas are included in the National Parks or Sanctuaries notified under the provisions of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 (53 of 1972) shall separately mentioned in the plan and be regulated in accordance with the provisions of that Act.
(9) the activities permitted in the IIMP shall also be undertaken in accordance with the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 (69 of 1980), the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 (53 of 1972), the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules or notifications made or issued thereunder and after taking into consideration the Environment Impact Assessment, done under the provisions of the notification of the Government of India in the MoEF number S.O.1533(E), dated the 14th September, 2006;
(10)(a) the Island Administrations, after preparing the IIMPs shall widely publicise the plan and invite suggestions from the public and other stakeholders within a period of thirty days from the date of publication of the plans;
(b) the plans shall be published by publishing it in at least two newspapers and website of the Administration;
(c) the hard copy of the plan shall be made available to the public at the office of the Chairman and Member Secretary of the Union territory Coastal Zone Management Authorities (hereinafter referred to as the CZMAs), District Collector’s Office and Office of the Pollution Control Committee;
(d) on receipt of the comments, the Island Administration shall make necessary changes in the plans and submit to Central Government in the MoEF for its consideration and approval;
(e) the Union territory CZMA and the National Coastal Zone Management Authority shall be responsible to address and dispose off any grievance arising out of preparation of the plan.
(11) the Central Government in the MoEF, after receipt of the IIMPs, shall, after examining the plan if it is satisfied, approve within a period of sixty days from the date of its receipt;
(12) all the activities under the IIMP shall be regulated in accordance with such Plan by the concerned authorities in the Islands.
III. The islands of Middle Andaman, North Andaman, South Andaman and Greater Nicobar shall be managed based on ICRZ have the following jurisdiction, namely:-
- (i) the land area from High Tide Line (hereinafter referred to as the HTL) to 500mts on the landward side along the sea front;
(ii) ICRZ shall apply to the land area between HTL to 100 mts or width of the creek whichever is less on the landward side along the tidal influenced water bodies that are connected to the sea and the distance upto which development along such tidal
influenced water bodies is to be regulated shall be governed by the distance upto which the tidal effects are experienced which shall be determined based on salinity concentration of 5 parts per thousand (ppt) measured during the driest period of the year and distance upto which tidal effects are experienced shall be clearly identified and demarcated accordingly in the ICRZ Plan.
Explanation.- For the purposes of this item the expression tidal influenced water bodies means the water bodies influenced by tidal effects from sea, in the bays, estuaries, rivers, creeks, backwaters and lagoons.
(iii) land area between HTL and Low Tide Line (hereinafter referred to as the LTL) which will be termed as the intertidal zone;
(iv) the water and the bed area between the LTL to the territorial water limit (12 Nm) in case of sea and the water and the bed area between LTL at the bank to the LTL on the opposite side of the bank, of tidal influenced water bodies.
- The coastal areas of the four islands shall be classified as follows, namely:-
1.(a) ICRZ-I,– The areas that are ecologically sensitive and the geomorphological features which play a role in the maintaining the integrity of the coast,-
(i) mangroves;
(ii) coral reefs;
(iii) sand Beaches and Sand Dunes;
(iv) mudflats;
(v) protected areas under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 (53 of 1972), the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 (69 of 1980) or Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986);
(vi) salt Marshes;
(vii) turtle nesting grounds;
(viii) horse shoe crabs habitats;
(ix) sea grass beds;
(x) seaweed beds;
(xi) nesting grounds of birds;
(xii) fishing villages and areas of traditional rights.
(b) The area between Low Tide Line and High Tide Line; and
- ICRZ-II,- The areas that have been developed upto or close to the shoreline.
Explanation.— The expression “developed area” is referred to as that area within the existing municipal limits or in other existing legally designated urban areas which are substantially built-up and has been provided with drainage and approach roads and other infrastructural facilities, such as water supply and sewerage mains;
- ICRZ-III,- Areas that are relatively undisturbed and those do not belong to either Category- B(i)(a) and (b) above which include coastal zone in the rural areas (developed and undeveloped) and also areas within municipal limits or in other legally designated urban areas, which are not substantially built up.
(i) the water area from the Low Tide Line to twelve nautical miles on the seaward side;
(ii) shall include the water area of the tidal influenced water body from the mouth of the water body at the sea upto the influence of tide which is measured as five parts per thousand during the driest season of the year.
- Preparation of ICRZ Plans,-
(i) the MoEF will get the ICRZ plans prepared through the AandN Administration for the four islands. The ICRZ will be prepared by engaging reputed and experienced scientific institution(s) or agencies including the National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM) of MoEF and in consultation with the concerned stakeholders;
(ii) the hazard line shall be mapped by MoEF through SoI all along the coastline of the country and the hazard line shall be demarcated taking into account, tide, waves, sea level rise and shoreline changes;
(iii) for the purpose of depicting the flooding due to tides, waves and sea level rise in the next fifty and hundred years, the contour mapping of the coastline shall be carried out at 0.5m interval normally upto 7 km from HTL on the landward side, and the shoreline changes shall be demarcated based on historical data by comparing the previous satellite imageries with the recent satellite imageries;
(iv) mapping of the hazard line shall be carried out in 1:25,000 scale for macro level planning and 1:10,000 scale or cadastral scale for micro level mapping. The hazard line shall be taken into consideration while preparing the land use plan of the coastal areas;
(v) the AandN Administration will prepare within a period of twenty four months from the date of issue this notification, draft ICRZ Plans in 1:25,000 scale map
identifying and classifying the ICRZ-I, II, III and IV involving public consultation;
(vii) the draft ICRZ Plans shall be submitted by the Union territory Administration to the AandN CZMA for appraisal, including appropriate consultations, and recommendations in accordance with the procedure(s) laid down in the EIA notification, 2006;
(viii) the AandN CZMA shall submit the draft ICRZ Plans to MoEF alongwith its recommendations on ICRZ Plans within a period of six months after incorporating the suggestions and objections received from the stakeholders;
(ix) MoEF shall thereafter consider and approve the ICRZ Plans within a period of four months from the date of receipt of the ICRZ Plans complete in all respects;
(x) all developmental activities listed in this notification shall be regulated by the Union territory Administration, the local authority or the concerned AandN CZMA within the framework of such approved ICRZ Plans as the case may be in accordance with provisions of this notification;
(xi) the ICRZ Plans shall not normally be revised before a period of five years after which, the concerned Union territory Administration may consider undertaking revision of the maps following the above procedures.
- Norms for regulation of activities permissible under this notification in the four islands,-
1.(i) ICRZ-I,-
(a) no new construction shall be permitted in ICRZ-I except,-
(i) projects relating to Department of Atomic Energy;
(ii) pipelines, conveying systems including transmission
(iii) facilities that are essential for activities permissible under
(iv) installation of weather radar for monitoring of cyclones
movement and prediction by Indian Meteorological
(v) construction of trans island sea link and without affecting
the tidal flow of water between LTL and HTL.
(b) Areas between LTL and HTL which are not ecologically sensitive and important necessary safety measures will be incorporated while permitting the following, namely:-
(i) exploration and extraction of natural gas;
(ii) construction of dwelling unit of fisherfolk dispensaries,
schools, public rain-shelter, community toilets, bridges,
roads, jetties, water supply, drainage, sewerage which are
required for traditional inhabitants living within the biosphere
reserves and fishing villages and areas of traditional rights
after obtaining approval from AandN CZMA;
(iii) necessary safety measure shall be incorporated while
permitting such developmental activities in the area falling in
the hazard zone;
(iv) desalination plants;
(v) storage of non-hazardous cargo such as edible oil,
fertilizers and food grain within notified ports;
(i) buildings shall be permitted only on the landward side of the existing road, or on the landward side of existing authorized structures;
(ii) buildings permitted on the landward side of the existing and proposed roads or existing authorized structures shall be subject to the existing local town and country planning regulations including the ‘existing’ norms of Floor Space Index (hereinafter referred to as the FSI) or Floor Area Ratio (hereinafter referred to as the FAR):
Provided that no permission for construction of buildings shall be given on landward side of any new roads which are constructed on the seaward side of an existing road:
(ii) reconstruction of authorized building to be permitted subject with the existing FSI or FAR Norms and without change in present use.
(a) area upto 200mts from HTL on the landward side in case of seafront and 100mts along tidal influenced water bodies or width of the creek whichever is less is to be earmarked as “No Development Zone (hereinafter referred to as the NDZ)”,-
(i) the NDZ shall not be applicable in such area falling within any notified port limits;
(ii) No construction shall be permitted within NDZ except for repairs or reconstruction of existing authorized structure not exceeding existing FSI, existing plinth area and existing density and for permissible activities under the notification including facilities essential for activities; construction or reconstruction of dwelling units of traditional coastal communities including fisherfolk may be permitted between 100 and 200 metres from the HTL along the seafront in accordance with a comprehensive plan prepared by the Union territory Administration in consultation with the traditional coastal communities including fisherfolk and incorporating the necessary disaster management provision, sanitation and recommended by the concerned Union territory CZMA to NCZMA for approval by MoEF;.
(iii) however, the following activities may be permitted in
(a) agriculture, horticulture, gardens, pasture, parks,
play field, and forestry.
(b) projects relating to Department of Atomic Energy;
(c) mining of rare minerals;
(d) facilities for receipt and storage of petroleum
products and liquefied natural gas as specified in
(e) facilities for regasification of liquefied natural gas;
(f) facilities for generating power by non conventional
energy sources;
(g) facilities for desalination plants and associated
(h) weather radars;
(i) construction of dispensaries, schools, public rain
shelter, community toilets, bridges, roads, provision of
facilities for water supply, drainage, sewerage,
crematoria, cemeteries and electric sub-station which
are required for the local inhabitants may be permitted
on a case to case basis by AandN CZMA;
(j) construction of units or auxiliary thereto for
domestic sewage, treatment and disposal with the
prior approval of the concerned Pollution Control
(k) facilities required for local fishing communities
such as fish drying yards, auction halls, net mending
yards, traditional boat building yards, ice plant, ice
crushing units, fish curing facilities and the like;
(l) airstrips and associated facilities.
(b) Area between 200mts to 500mts,- The following activities may be permissible in the above areas;
(i) facilities for receipt and storage of petroleum products and liquefied natural gas as specified in Annexure-II;
(ii) development of vacant plot in designated areas for construction of hotels or beach resorts for tourists or visitors subject to the conditions as specified in the guidelines at Annexure-III;
(iii) facilities for regasification of liquefied natural gas;
(iv) storage of non-hazardous cargo such as, edible oil, fertilizers, food grain in notified ports;
(v) facilities for desalination plants and associated facilities;
(vi) facilities for generating power by non-conventional energy sources;
(vii) construction or reconstruction of dwelling units so long it is within the ambit of traditional rights and customary uses such as existing fishing villages, building permission for such construction or reconstruction will be subject to local town and country planning rules with overall height of construction not exceeding 9 mts with two floors (ground + one floor);
(viii) airstrips and associated facilities.
- In ICRZ-IV areas,- The activities impugning on the sea and tidal influenced water bodies shall be regulated including ports and harbours and foreshore developmental activities except for traditional fishing and related activities undertaken by local communities as follows, namely:-
(a) no untreated sewage, effluents, ballast water, ship washes, fly ash or solid waste from all activities including from aquaculture operations shall be let off or dumped and a comprehensive plan for treatment of sewage generating from the coastal towns and cities shall be formulated within a period of one year in consultation with stakeholders including traditional coastal communities, traditional fisherfolk and implemented;
(b) pollution from oil and gas exploration and drilling, mining, boat house and shipping;
(c) there shall be no restriction on the traditional fishing and allied activities undertaken by local communities.
- Period for which ICRZ and IIMPs shall be valid,-
(i) the ICRZ and IIMPs shall be valid for a period of five years and the next IIMP shall be prepared within a period of six months before the date of expiry of the Plan:
Provided that the Andaman and Nicobar Islands Administration or, as the case may be, the Lakshadweep Islands Administration, may review the plan at anytime as may be required.
(ii) the Coastal Zone Management Plans already approved under CRZ notification, 1991 shall be valid for a period of twenty four months unless the aforesaid period is extended by MoEF by a specific notification subject to such terms and conditions as may be specified therein.
- Enforcement and monitoring of this notification,-
(a) for the purpose of implementation and enforcement of the provisions this notification and compliance with conditions stipulated thereunder, the powers either original or delegated are available under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 with the MoEF, Union territory Administration, NCZMA and Union territory CZMAs;
(b) The composition, tenure and mandate of NCZMA and UT CZMAs have already been notified by MoEF in terms of Orders of Hon’ble Supreme Court in Writ Petition 664 of 1993;
(c) the Union territory CZMAs shall primarily be responsible for enforcing and monitoring of this notification and to assist in this task, the Union territory shall constitute district level Committees under the Chairmanship of the District Magistrate concerned containing at least three representatives of local traditional coastal communities including from fisherfolk.
(d) the dwelling units of the traditional coastal communities including fisherfolk, tribals as were permissible under the provisions of the CRZ notification, 1991, but which have not obtained formal approval from concerned authorities under the aforesaid notification shall be considered by the respective Union territory CZMAs and the dwelling units shall be regularized subject to the following condition, namely-
(i) these are not used for any commercial activity
(ii) these are not sold or transferred to non-traditional coastal community.
- The following activities shall be prohibited in the islands of AandN and Lakshadweep:-
(i) destruction of corals;
(ii) mining of sand from in and around coral areas, nesting and breeding grounds of endemic and endangered species;
(iii) construction of shore protection works (hard constructions) on the seaward side of the corals, mangroves;
(iv) disposal of untreated sewage or effluents;
(v) disposal of solid wastes including fly ash, industrial waste, medical waste, non-biodegradable waste, and the like;
(vi) red category of industries (as prohibited under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) or the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 or the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, as the case may be) within ten kilometres from ecologically sensitive areas;
(vii) setting up of new industries and expansion of existing industries except,-
(a) those directly related to waterfront or directly needing foreshore facilities;
Explanation:- For the purposes of this item the expression “foreshore facilities” means those activities permissible under this notification and they require waterfront for their operations such as ports and harbours, jetties, quays, wharves, erosion control measures, breakwaters, pipelines, lighthouses, navigational safety facilities, coastal police stations and the like.;
(b) projects of Department of Atomic Energy;
(c) facilities for generating power by non-conventional energy sources and setting up of desalination plants in the areas not classified as ecologically sensitive area under this notification based on an impact assessment study including social impacts.;
(d) reconstruction, repair works of dwelling units of local communities including fishers in accordance with local town and country planning regulations.
(viii) manufacture or handling oil storage or disposal of hazardous substance as specified in the notification of Ministry of Environment and Forests, No. S.O.594 (E), dated the 28th July 1989, S.O. No. 966(E), dated the 27th November, 1989 and GSR 1037 (E), dated the 5th December, 1989 except,-
(a) transfer of hazardous substances from ships to ports, terminals and refineries and vice versa;
(b) facilities for receipt and storage of petroleum products and liquefied natural gas as specified in Annexure-II appended to this notification and facilities for regasification of Liquefied Natural Gas (hereinafter referred to as the LNG) in the areas not classified as ICRZ-I (a) and other identified ecologically sensitive areas subject to
implementation of safety regulations including guidelines issued by the Oil Industry Safety Directorate in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas and guidelines issued by MoEF and subject to further terms and conditions for implementation of ameliorative and restorative measures in relation to environment as may be stipulated by in MoEF:
Provided that facilities for receipt and storage of fertilizers and raw materials required for manufacture of fertilizers like ammonia, phosphoric acid, sulphur, sulphuric acid, nitric acid and the like, shall be permitted within the said zone in the areas not classified as ICRZ-I and identified ecologically sensitive areas under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 and Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 and Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
(ix) setting up and expansion of fish processing units including warehousing except hatchery and natural fish drying in permitted areas;
(x) land reclamation, bunding or disturbing the natural course of seawater except those,-
(a) required for setting up, construction or modernisation or expansion of foreshore facilities like ports, harbours, jetties, wharves, quays, slipways, bridges, sea-link, road on stilts, and such as meant for defence and security purpose and for other facilities that are essential for activities permissible under the notification;
(b) measures for control of erosion, based on scientific including Environmental Impact Assessment (hereinafter referred to as the EIA) studies;
(c) maintenance or clearing of waterways, channels and ports, based on EIA studies;
(d) measures to prevent sand bars, installation of tidal regulators, laying of storm water drains or for structures for prevention of salinity ingress and freshwater recharge based on carried out by any agency to be specified by MoEF;
(xi) setting up and expansion of units or mechanism for disposal of wastes and effluents except facilities required for,-
(a) discharging treated effluents into the water course with approval under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 (6 of 1974);
(b) storm water drains and ancillary structures for pumping;
(c) treatment of waste and effluents arising from hotels, beach resorts and human settlements located in ICRZ areas other than ICRZ-I and disposal of treated wastes and effluents;
(xii) discharge of untreated waste and effluents from industries, cities or towns and other human settlements and the concerned authorities shall implement schemes for phasing out existing discharge of this nature, if any, within a time period not exceeding two years from the date of issue of this notification;
(xiii) dumping of city or town wastes including construction debris, industrial solid wastes, fly ash for the purpose of land filling and the like and the concerned authority shall implement schemes for phasing out any existing practice, if any, shall be phased out within a period of one year from date of commencement of this notification.
Note:- The MoEF will issue a separate instruction to the Union territory Administration in respect of preparation of Action Plans and their implementation as also monitoring including the time schedule thereof, in respect of sub-paras (iv) and (v).
(xiv) port and harbour projects in high eroding stretches of the coast, except those projects classified as strategic and defence related in terms of EIA notification, 2006 identified by MoEF based on scientific studies and in consultation with the Union territory Administration;
(xv) reclamation for commercial purposes such as shopping and housing complexes, hotels and entertainment activities;
(xvi) mining of sand, rocks and other sub-strata materials except,-
(a) those rare minerals not available outside the ICRZ area,
(b) exploration and exploitation of Oil and Natural Gas;
(xvii) drawal of groundwater and construction related thereto, within 200 mts of HTL; except the following, namely:-
(a) in the areas which are inhabited by the local communities and only for their use.
(b) in the area between 200mts-500mts zone the drawal of groundwater shall be permitted only when done manually through ordinary wells for drinking, horticulture, agriculture and fisheries and where no other source of water is available.
Note:- Restrictions for such drawal may be imposed by the Authority designated by the Union territory Administration in the areas affected by sea water intrusion.
(xviii) construction activities in ecologically sensitive areas except those specified in this notification;
(xix) dressing or altering the sand dunes, hills, natural features including landscape changes for beautification, recreation and other such purpose;
(xx) facilities required for patrolling and vigilance activities of marine/coastal police stations.
- Validity of the clearances issued under this notification for projects,-
The clearance accorded to the projects under this notification shall be valid for the period of five years from the date of issue of the clearance for commencement of construction and operation.
- Applicability EIA notification, 2006 or any other notification,–
The developmental projects attracting Environmental Impact Assessment or the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 (69 of 1980), the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 (52 of 1972) shall be considered in accordance with the provisions made thereunder and prior approval obtained from the competent Authority before making any recommendations.
- The activities which are not listed in the IIMPs above shall be referred to the MoEF, through the concerned Union territory Administration for decision.
- M. MAUSKAR, Addl. Secy.
- The entire island including the aquatic area shall be considered for the Integrated Island Management Plan, while for ICRZ the jurisdiction shall be as indicated at para III(A).
- Integrated Island Management Plans shall be prepared indicating therein all present and future developments, conservation and preservation schemes with a time frame of ten years.
- The Integrated Island Management Plan and ICRZ shall address vulnerability to human life and property based on elevation, geomorphology, sea level trends and horizontal line displacement and indicate suitable areas that are safe for locating dwelling units, infrastructure, and the like, and appropriate safeguards measures to protect the life and property of the local communities, infrastructure from natural hazards shall be indicated in the Integrated Islands Management Plan.
- The land area falling between the hazard line and 500mts from HTL on the landward
side, in case of seafront and between the hazard line and 100mts line in case of tidal influenced water body the word ‘hazard line’ denotes the line demarcated by Ministry of Environment and Forests (hereinafter referred to as the MoEF) through the Survey of India (hereinafter referred to as the SoI) taking into account tides, waves, sea level rise and shoreline changes.
- No developmental activities other than those listed in this Notification shall be permitted in the areas between the hazard line and 500mts or 100mts or width of the creek on the landward side. The dwelling unit of the local communities, tribals including that of the fishers will not be relocated if the dwelling units are located on the seaward side of the hazard line. The Union territory Administration will provide necessary safeguards from natural disaster to such dwelling units of local communities.
- All the existing roads including the internal roads shall be strengthened, as these roads shall serve for the purpose of livelihood, communication, rescue, relief and evacuation measures during natural hazards.
- Adequate cyclone shelters shall be earmarked and constructed on elevated areas or on stilts adjacent to populated areas.
- The existing and as well new schools, market areas and other public facilities (excluding public toilets) where large number of public congregate, shall normally be located on safe areas preferably in elevated areas or protected areas.
- Along the seaward side sufficient bio-shield with local vegetation, trees including mangroves shall be planted and other soft protection measures.
- The Integrated Islands Management Plan and ICRZ shall be based on scientific methodology and with the approval of the concerned authorities, including the appropriate coastal protection structures be constructed in accordance with such Plan.
- The beaches shall be protected and no developmental activities shall be permitted therein.
- Sand dunes, being natural barrier in the event of flooding, shall be conserved and maintained or regenerated by planting shrubs or through appropriate measures.
- There shall be no restriction with regard to traditional fishing by local communities including installation of fish aggregating devices as recommended by the Islands Administrations.
- (a) The mining of construction material, especially sand from deep sea bed (beyond fifteen meters depth), after undertaking proper scientific studies may be permitted in the Plan;
(i) the alternative construction material, such as, bamboo, local forest products may be identified and used;
(ii) the other materials, like, metal, hollow brick blocks, and the like, shall be imported from the mainland.
- Emphasis shall be given to use of non-conventional energy resources especially, wind, solar and tidal energy, desalination, water recycling, and use of local products.
- Early warning system shall be provided for cyclone, tsunami, and the like, and a evacuation and relief measure plan in case of disasters shall be built into the Integrated Islands Management Plan.
- Necessary provision shall be made in the Integrated Islands Management Plan for relocation and rehabilitation of people displaced due to natural disasters.
- Integrated Islands Management Plan and ICRZ shall also include the areas under habitation and make plan for future development.
- No developmental activities shall be permitted in the area under reserve forests, protected forests, national parks and sanctuaries notified under the Forests (Conservation) Act, 1980 (69 of 1980) or the Wild Life Protection Act, 1972 (53 of 1972) and the areas protected under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986).
- The dwelling units or infrastructure of local communities as are existing at the time of preparation of Plan shall not be displaced.
- Repair of existing buildings or infrastructure including reconstruction activities shall be allowed.
- IIMP and ICRZ shall be prepared in 1:25,000 scale map for macro level planning and 1:10,000 or cadastral scale for micro level planning.
- The High Tide Line will be got demarcated by one of the agencies authorized by Ministry of Environment and Forests.
List of petroleum and chemical products permitted for storage except in ICRZ- I(a) and other identified ecologically sensitive areas
(i) Crude oil;
(ii) Liquefied Petroleum Gas;
(iii) Motor spirit;
(iv) Kerosene;
(v) Aviation fuel;
(vi) High speed diesel;
(vii) Lubricating oil;
(viii) Butane;
(ix) Propane;
(x) Compressed Natural Gas;
(xi) Naphtha;
(xii) Furnace oil;
(xiii) Low Sulphur Heavy Stock;
(xiv) Liquefied Natural Gas;
(xv) Fertilizers and raw materials for manufacture of fertilizers.
Guidelines for development of beach resorts or hotels in the designated areas of ICRZ-III and ICRZ-II/IIMPs for occupation of tourist or visitors with prior approval of the Ministry of Environment and Forests
- Construction of beach resorts or hotels with prior approval of MoEF in designated areas of ICRZ-II and III for occupation of tourist or visitors shall be subject to the following conditions, namely:-
(a) The project proponent shall not undertake any construction within 200 metres in the landward side of High Tide Line and within the area between Low Tide Line and High Tide Line;
(b) The proposed constructions shall be beyond the hazard line or 200mts from the High Tide Line whichever is more;
(c) live fencing and barbed wire fencing with vegetative cover may be allowed around private properties subject to the condition that such fencing shall in no way hamper public access to the beach;
(d) no flattening of sand dunes shall be carried out;
(e) no permanent structures for sports facilities shall be permitted except construction of goal posts, net posts and lamp posts;
(f) Construction of basement may be allowed subject to the condition that no objection certificate is obtained from the Union territory Ground Water Authority to the effect that such construction will not adversely affect free flow of groundwater in that area;
(g) the Union territory Ground Water Authority shall take into consideration the guidelines issued by Central Government before granting such no objection certificate;
(h) though no construction is allowed in the no development zone, for the purposes of calculation of Floor Space Index, the area of entire plot including the portion which falls within the no development zone shall be taken into account;
(i) the total plot size shall not be less than 0.4 hectares and the total covered area on all floors shall not exceed 33 percent of the plot size i.e., the Floor Space Index shall not exceed 0.33 and the open area shall be suitably landscaped with appropriate vegetal cover;
(j) the construction shall be consistent with the surrounding landscape and local architectural style;
(k) the overall height of construction upto the highest ridge of the roof, shall not exceed 9 metres and the construction shall not be more than two floors (ground floor plus one upper floor);
(l) groundwater shall not be tapped within 200 metre of the High Tide Line; within the 200 metre 500 metre zone it can be tapped only with the concurrence of the Central or Union territory Ground Water Board;
(m) extraction of sand, leveling or digging of sandy stretches except for structural
foundation of building, swimming pool shall not be permitted within 500 metres of the High Tide Line;
(n) the quality of treated effluents, solid wastes, emissions and noise levels and the like, from the project area must conform to the standards laid down by the competent authorities including the Central Pollution Control Board or Union territory Pollution Control Committee and under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986;
(o) necessary arrangements for the treatment of the effluents and solid wastes must be made and it must be ensured that the untreated effluents and solid wastes are not discharged into the water or on the beach; and no effluent or solid waste shall be discharged on the beach;
(p) to allow public access to the beach, at least a gap of 20 metres width shall be provided between any two hotels or beach resorts; and in no case shall gaps be less than 500 metres apart; and
(q) if the project involves diversion of forestland for non-forest purposes, clearance as required under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 shall be obtained and the requirements of other Central and Union territory laws as applicable to the project shall be met with; and
(r) approval of the Union territory Tourism Department shall be obtained.
- In ecologically sensitive areas (such as marine parks, mangroves, coral reefs, breeding and spawning grounds of fish, wildlife habitats and such other area as may be notified by the Central or Union territories) construction of beach resorts or hotels shall not be permitted.