Please take notice that Mr/Mrs/Miss_____________________, an adult Indian inhabitant of ________________________________________, and a member of the _______________________________Co-operative Housing Society Ltd (hereinafter referred to as the “Said member” and the “Said society” respectively), holds a Share Certificate in the “Said society” for his membership in respect of Flat No._______, being and situate at______________ (herein after referred to as the “Original Share Certificate” and the “Said Flat” respectively, the details whereof are set out in the Schedule appended hereto).
WHEREAS, the “Said member” on________, applied to the “Said society” for issue of a Duplicate Share Certificate in lieu of the “Original Share Certificate”, ostensibly on the ground that the same was lost/misplaced in transit on or about________ and despite diligent efforts the same could not be traced out or retrieved.
AND WHEREAS, the “Said member” has produced before the “Said society” a Police Complaint in respect of the loss of the “Original Share Certificate” vide Complaint No._________, dated________ lodged at _____________ Police Station.
AND WHEREAS, the “Said member” has solemnly assured the “Said society” about his bonafides and further made an assurance that he has not entered into any kind of transaction in the nature of sale, transfer, mortgage, gift, exchange, relinquishment etc. in respect of the “Said Flat” on the strength of the “Original Share Certificate”.
NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned, being so authorised by the Executive Committee of “Said society”, does hereby give a notice to the public at large and calls upon all or any person/s with whom the “Said member” has entered into any kind of transaction in the nature of sale, transfer, mortgage, gift, exchange, relinquishment etc. on the strength of the “Original Share Certificate” and who are put in possession or custody thereof or who hold any right, title, interest in the “Said Flat” prejudicial to the interest of the “Said member” and who have already filed any suit, claim, dispute, petition, appeal or other like proceedings and obtained any decree, award or other order concerning the “Said Flat” or who intend to file any such proceedings as described above for enforcing their right in the “Said Flat”, to submit all their objections and claims in writing along with supportive documentary proofs thereof, to the undersigned within a period of fifteen days of the date of publication of this notice, failing which the “Said society” will presume that no such adverse claims or objections exist and thereafter the “Said society” and all its members, office bearers, agents and servants shall stand relieved from the liability vis-à-vis the “Original Share Certificate” and the “Said society” shall proceed to issue a Duplicate Share Certificate to the “Said member” as requested by him. So please do note.
Hon’ Secretary
__________C.H. Society Ltd
Off Address:_____________
Description of Flat
Flat No._____, _____Wing, _____ Floor,__________C.H. Society Ltd, __________________________Road,______________(Location/Area),_________ (City), PIN CODE___________, situated on C.S/C.T.S No._______, Sub-division No.__________ in Tehsil______, Revenue District:-___________.
Description of Share Certificate
Share Certificate No.______________, dated_________ of _______________________________ C.H. Society Ltd,_________________(Address) for 5 shares of the face value of Rs.50/-each, bearing Distinctive Nos. from _________to________, Folio No________.