The Maharashtra Land Revenue Record of Rights and Registers (Preparation and Maintenance) Rules, 1971
R.& F.D. No. UNF. 2267-(A)-R, dated 6.11.1971.— In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) and clauses (xlvii), (xlviii), (xlix), (li), (lii), (liii) and (lxiii) of sub-section (2) of Section 328 of the Maharashtra Land Revenue Code, 1966 (Mah. XLI of 1966) and all other powers enabling it in that behalf, and in supersession of all previous rules made in this behalf and continued in force by virtue of the third proviso to section 336 of the said Code, the Government of Maharashtra hereby makes the following rules, the same having been previously published by sub-section (1) of Section 329 of the said Code, namely:-
The Maharashtra Land Revenue Record of Rights and Registers (Preparation and Maintenance) Rules, 1971
Rule 1. Short title,-
These rules may be called the Maharashtra Land Revenue Record of Rights and Registers (Preparation and Maintenance) Rules, 1971.
Rule 2. Definitions,-
(1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires.–
(a) “Certifying Officer” means a revenue or survey officer competent to certify entries in the register of mutation under sub-section (6) of Section 150;
(b) “Code” means the Maharashtra Land Revenue Code, 1966;
(c) “Form” means a Form appended to these rules;
(d) “Section” means a section of the Code.
(2) Words and expressions used in the Code and not defined in these rules shall have the meaning respectively assigned to them under the Code.
A. Form of record of rights in areas other than those surveyed under Section 126
Rule 3. Form of Record of Rights,-
In areas other than those surveyed under Section 126, a record of rights shall be prepared and maintained in the form of a separate card in Form I for each survey number or, as the case may be, sub-division of a survey number.
B. Procedure for preparation of the first record of rights in areas other than those surveyed under Section 126
Rule 4. Issue of notice,-
(1) Where no record of rights exists in respect of lands in any village and it is to be prepared for the first time, the Talathi of that village shall issue a public notice in Form II calling upon all persons who have any interest in the lands in such village, furnish to him either in writing or orally, information on all or any of the following points within thirty days from the date of the public notice, namely:-
(i) the survey number and sub-division number, if any, of the land in which he has any interest as holder, occupant, owner, tenant, landlord, mortgagee, Government lessee, assignee of rent or revenue or in any other manner;
(ii) the nature of interest in the land, that is to say, whether the land is held as holder, occupant, owner, tenant, landlord, mortgagor, mortgagee, or 1[assignee] or in any other manner;
(iii) the tenure on which the land is held, that is to say, whether the land is alienated or un-alienated, and 2[in case of unalienated land], whether held as Occupant-Class-I, Occupant Class-II, or as Government lessee;
(iv) the encumbrances or charge, if any, on the land, and the name of the holder of such encumbrances or charge.
(2) The notice under sub-rule (1) shall be published in the village by beat of drum and by affixing copies thereof in the office of the Panchayat of the village and in the Chavdi.
Rule 5. Preparation of rough copy of first Record of Rights,-
(1) The Talathi shall, on the basis of the information received under Rule 4, or such information as he may collect by making local inquiry, prepare a rough copy of the record of rights, in form I.
(2) If from the information received under Rule 4 or collected by making local inquiry, it appears to the Talathi that there are conflicting claims in respect of any entry proposed to be made in the rough copy, the Talathi shall leave such entry blank and shall record the particulars of conflicting claims in the register of disputed cases, which shall be maintained in Form III.
(3) The rough copy of the record of rights, prepared under Sub-rule (1) shall, after being checked by the Circle Inspector or a survey officer not below the rank of a Circle Inspector, be published by issuing a notice in Form IV, in the manner provided in Sub-Rule (2) of Rule 4 for inviting objection, if any, to the particulars, entered in the rough copy.
(4) If any objection to any particulars entered in the rough copy of the record of rights is received, the Talathi shall record it in a register of disputed cases, and shall serve, individual notices in Form V, on all persons likely to be affected by, or interested in the objection and inform them by such notice of the nature of the objection and call upon them to be present at the place, on the date and at the time fixed for hearing the objection and for taking decision in respect thereof. Similarly, notices shall also be served on all persons likely to be interested in the disputes entered in the register of disputed cases under sub-rule (2).
(5) On the date, at the place and the time fixed for having the objections, any revenue or survey officer not below the rank of an Aval Karkun shall read aloud in the presence of the persons assembled, all the particulars entered in the rough copy of the record of rights for the village. He shall then inform them of the lands in respect of which objections and disputes have been raised, and ask them, whether they admit the entries in respect of the remaining lands. If they admit such entries, the revenue or survey officer aforesaid, shall record a remark to the effect against such entries in the rough copy. If in respect of any entry, any error is pointed out by any person, and the error is not disputed by anybody else, the entry shall be corrected, and a remark to that effect shall be recorded in the rough copy of the record of rights.
(6) After following the procedure laid down in sub-rule (5) and after verifying whether notices were duly served by the Talathi as required by sub-rule (4), the said officer shall proceed to decide objections recorded in the register of disputed cases, and record therein his decision in respect of each objection, and shall announce his decision to the persons assembled. Where the said officer finds that notices were not duly served by the Talathi as required by sub-rule (4), he shall postpone his decision, till the procedure laid down in that sub-rule and in sub-rule (5), is followed.
(7) After the decisions are taken by the revenue or survey officer under sub-rule (6), the Talathi shall correct the entries or, as the case may be, fill in the blank entries in the rough copy of the record of rights in red ink according to the said decisions, and shall also prepare a fair copy of the record of rights as so corrected.
(8) The fair copy of the record of rights prepared under sub-rule (7) shall be published by issuing a notice in Form VI in the manner provided in sub-rule (2) of Rule 4 for inviting objections, if any, to the particulars entered in the fair copy.
(9) If any objection to any particulars entered in the fair copy of the record of rights is received from any person, the Talathi shall acknowledge the receipt thereof, and shall serve notices on all other persons likely to be affected by, or interested in the objection informing them of the nature of the objection and calling upon them to be present at the place and on the date and at the time fixed for hearing the objection and taking decision in respect thereof.
(10) On the date, at the place and time fixed for hearing the objections, any revenue or survey officer not below the rank of a Deputy Collector shall consider the objection received by the Talathi, and shall take decision thereon after hearing the persons affected by, or interested in the objection. After the decision is taken, the said Officer shall get the entries in the fair copy of the record of rights corrected in red ink in accordance with the decision taken by him, and authenticate such corrections by his, signature and date in the presence of any revenue or survey officer. When any clerical errors are brought to the notice of the said officer, he shall rectify such errors in a like manner.
(11) After the fair copy of the record of right is corrected as aforesaid, such revenue or survey officer shall cause such portion thereof as the persons present may desire to be read out in their presence, and after carrying out in the manner provided for in sub-rule (10), such correction as he may deem 3[necessary], shall put his signature and date on the fair copy of the record of rights in the presence of any revenue or survey officer and add at the end of the copy of a Certificate that it has been duly approved and promulgated.
C. Preparation of new record of rights in place of existing record of rights in areas other than those surveyed under Section 126
Rule 6. Preparation of new records of rights,-
(1) Where a record of rights prepared before the commencement of these rules (hereinafter referred to as “the existing records of rights”) in respect of lands in any village in areas other than those surveyed under Section 126, is not in accordance with Form I, Talathi shall cause the existing record of rights to be replaced by a new record of rights in Form I by transferring from the existing record of rights to the new record of rights, the entries in respect of each survey number and sub-division of a survey number. The new record of rights so prepared shall be checked by the Circle Inspector.
(2) The Talathi shall, then publish, in the manner provided in sub-rule (2) of Rule 4, a notice informing all persons interested in the lands in the village that the existing record of rights and the new record of rights are kept open for inspection on the dates and times and at a place (being a place convenient to the villagers) to be specified in the notice, and that the new record of rights will be promulgated by a revenue or survey officer not below the rank of a Tahsildar on the date and time to be specified in the notice, and calling upon them to be present on the occasion.
(3) On the appointed date, time and place, the officer concerned shall check the entries in the new record of rights with the corresponding entries in the existing record of rights and correct the entries, where necessary. He shall then proclaim to the people assembled that with effect from the said date, the new record of rights in Form I shall be the record of rights of the village.
(4) If a record of rights in Form I is prepared by any Consolidation Officer in respect of any 4[holding] under Section 24 of the Bombay Prevention of Fragmentation and Consolidation of Holdings Act, 1947 that record of rights shall be deemed to be new record of rights prepared under these rules for that holding.
Rule 7. Rewriting of record of rights,-
(1) The record of rights shall ordinarily be re-written after a period of ten years. The Sub-Divisional Officer may direct the record of rights to be re-written at the end of a shorter period if he considers that in view of the number of entries made in the record of rights in respect of a large number of survey numbers or sub-divisions of survey numbers in the village, it will be difficult for the Talathi to make any further entries therein.
(2) When the record of rights is to be re-written, the Talathi shall transfer the entries in the record of rights as they stand up-to-date to fresh copies of record of rights in Form I. The record of rights so prepared shall be checked by the Circle Inspector.
(3) After the record of rights is so prepared the provisions of sub-rules (2) and (3) of Rule 6 shall mutatis mutandis apply.
D. Maintenance of record of rights and register of mutations in areas other than those surveyed under Section 126
Rule 8. Responsibility for maintenance of record of rights and register of mutations,-
In areas other than those surveyed under Section 126 the Tahsildar shall be responsible for the up-to-date maintenance of the record of rights and of the register of mutations in all villages within his jurisdiction, and for that purpose, for the timely and systematic compliance of the provisions hereinafter appearing.
Rule 9. Form of acknowledgement of report under Section 149,-
The acknowledgement of the receipt of the report made by any person under Section 149 shall be made in Form VII.
Rule 10. Form of register of mutations,-
A register of mutations shall be in Form VIII.
Rule 11. Talathi to make entries in register of mutations,-
As soon as an intimation regarding registration of documents referred to in Section 154 is received by a Talathi, he shall make separate entries in the register of mutations in respect of the mutation effected by each of the said documents.
Rule 12. Recording mutations in certain cases,-
Where rights in any land are acquired as a result of transfer of such land, and such transfer required the previous permission of the Collector, the Talathi shall require the person making the report to him under Section 149 to produce before him such permission or such evidence of the order by which such permission or evidence is produced, the Talathi shall record this fact at the end of the entry in column 2 of the mutation register. If the permission is obtained but not produced, or such permission is not at all obtained, the Talathi shall record this fact also as aforesaid.
Rule 13. Pencil indications in record of rights,-
Whenever an entry is made in the register of mutations under sub-section (1) of Section 150 in relation to any land, the Talathi shall indicate, in pencil the number of that mutation entry against the entry relating to that land appearing in the record of rights with the remark that the mutation entry has not been duly certified.
Rule 14. Form of intimation to be given under Section 150,-
The intimation which a Talathi is required to give under Sub-section (2) of Section 150 shall be in Form IX.
Rule 15. Form of acknowledgement for objections,-
The acknowledgement for objections received in respect of entries made under 5[sub-section (1)] of section 150 shall be given in Form X.
Rule 16. Form of register of disputed cases,-
The register of disputed cases referred to in sub-section (3) of Section 150 shall be maintained in Form III.
Rule 17. Procedure to be followed for certifying entries in register of mutations and deciding disputes,-
(1) Before proceeding to decide disputes entered in the register of disputed cases as provided in sub-section (4) of Section 150 and certifying the entries in the register of mutations, the certifying officer shall inform the Talathi to that effect in Form XI. On receipt of such information, and at least fifteen days before the date fixed for deciding disputes entered in the register of disputed cases, and for certifying entries made in the register of mutations, the Talathi shall issue notices in Form XII to all person likely to be interested in such disputes or entries and call upon them to be present at the place 6[alongwith their Khate–Pustikas] on the date and at the time fixed for deciding disputes and for certifying entries.
(2) On the date and at the place and time fixed for deciding disputes, the certifying officer shall read out the mutation entries which are undisputed in the presence of the persons present.
If the correctness of such entries is admitted by all the person present the certifying officer shall record such admission in the register of mutations, and add an endorsement under his signature that the entries have been duly certified.
If any error in respect of any entry entered in the register of mutations is noticed by the certifying officer, and such error is admitted by the persons interested in the entry who may be present, the certifying officer may correct that entry and certify the corrected entry as aforesaid.
The certifying officer shall then hold a summary enquiry and decide each dispute entered in the register of disputed cases on the basis of possession, that is to say if a person actually holds possession under a claim of title, he shall be recorded as Occupant Class-I, Occupant Class-II or, as the case may be, Government lessee in the register of disputed cases. If there is a doubt as to the actual possession, the person with the strongest title shall be so recorded. He shall also record in the register of mutations, the order passed by him in respect of the mutation entry disputed, and make an endorsement under his signature to the effect that the mutation entry as modified by his order is certified by him. The order shall contain the names of the parties and witnesses and a brief summary of the evidence produced by either side, together with his findings thereon.
Rule 18. Transfer of certified entries from register of mutations to record of rights,-
Immediately after an entry in the register of mutations is certified under Rule 17, the Talathi shall record it in ink in the record of rights, 7[and simultaneously copy out the relevant entry in the Khate-pustika also.]
Rule 19. Supervision by Circle Inspector,-
It shall be the duty of a Circle Inspector to visit every village in his Circle and check whether the Talathi has prepared and maintained the mutation register in accordance with the provisions of the Code and these rules; and if it has not been so prepared or maintained, cause it to be so prepared and maintained.
E. Record of rights and register of mutations in
areas surveyed under Section 126
Rule 20. Form of record of rights and register of mutations,-
In areas surveyed under Section 126, a record of rights and register of mutations shall be prepared in the form of “Property Card” prescribed by rule 7 of the Maharashtra (Village, Town and City Survey) Rules, 1969 and maintained as provided in Rules 21 to 28.
Rule 21. Responsibility for maintenance of record of rights and register of mutations,-
In areas surveyed under Section 126, the survey officer not below the rank of a District Inspector of Land Records shall be responsible for the up-to-date maintenance of record of rights and register of mutations in all surveyed cities, towns and villages within his jurisdiction.
Rule 22. Form of acknowledgement of report under Section 149,-
The acknowledgement of the receipt of the report made by any person under Section 149 shall be made in Form VII.
Rule 23. Entries in register of mutations,-
The reports and intimations of acquisition or transfer received by the Talathi under sub-section (1) of section 150, shall be entered by him in the Property Card.
Rule 24. Notice of mutation,-
As soon as a mutation is entered in the Property Card under Rule 23, the Talathi shall post up a complete copy of the entry in the village Chavdi or where there is no Chavdi in conspicuous place in the village, town or city. He shall also simultaneously give notice in Form IX to all persons appearing from the Property Card to be interested in the mutation and to any other person whom he has reason to believe to be interested therein, requiring them to send their objections, if any, to the entry either orally or in writing within fifteen days from the date of receipt of such notice.
Rule 25. Form of acknowledgement for objections and of register of disputed cases,-
The acknowledgement for objections received in response to the notice given under Rule 24 shall be given in Form X and the register of disputed cases in which such objection should be entered shall be in Form III.
Rule 26. Disposal of disputes and certification,-
The disputes entered in the register of disputed cases shall be decided and the mutations in the Property Card certified by a revenue or survey officer not below the rank of an Aval Karkun in the manner provided in Rule 17.
Rule 27. Transfer of existing record of rights to Property Card,-
The existing record of rights referred to in Section 159 of such villages, towns and cities as may be specified by a revenue or survey officer not below the rank of the Collector in this behalf, shall be transferred to the Property Card in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Rule 18.
Rule 28. Supervision,-
It shall be the duty of a Circle Inspector or a survey officer not below the rank of a Circle Inspector to check whether that the Talathi has 8[prepared] and maintained the mutations register in accordance with the provisions of the Code and these rules; and if it has not been so prepared or maintained, cause it to be so prepared and maintained.
F. Register of crops, register of persons other than persons deemed to be in possession according to the record of rights and register of tenancies in areas other than those surveyed under Section 126
Rule 29. Register of crops,-
A register of crops showing the crops grown in the land and the area in which they are grown shall be maintained in every village. It shall be in the form of a separate card in Form XIII in respect of each survey number or sub-division of a survey number and the contents thereof shall be incorporated at the end of Form I. Entries in the register shall be made every year in the manner provided in Rule 30.
Rule 30. Procedure of making entries in register of crops,-
(1) Every year at any time, during the period when the crops grown in a village are standing in the fields and during such other period as may be directed by the Collector for different crops, Talathi shall, subject to the orders of the Collector in this behalf, visit the village for the purpose of inspection of the crops and making entries in the register of crops in Form XIII.
(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (1), the Talathi shall fix a date of his visit to the village for the purpose of that sub-rule at least seven days in advance and arrange to inform the villagers by beat of drum or by any other suitable method, about the date of his visit and its purpose and to call upon the villagers to be present in their fields 9[along with their Khate-pustika] and witness the entries being made in the register of crops. He shall likewise give an intimation of his visit to the Sarpanch of the Village Panchayat, if any, and through him request the members of the Village Panchayat to accompany him during the crops inspection.
(3) On the date fixed for his visit to the village, the Talathi shall visit every field in the village in the presence of the villagers, the members of the Village Panchayat and the Sarpanch, if any, as may be present there and make entries in the register of crops in respect of each survey number or sub-division of a survey number after actual inspection. He shall allow the persons interested in the land to see the entries made by him in respect of each land. 10[He shall simultaneously copy out the relevant entries in Khate-Pustika also].
(4) As soon as may be practicable after the Talathi has made entries in the register of crops, any revenue or survey officer not below the rank of a Circle Inspector shall, for purpose of verification of the said entries, visit the village of which advance intimation as aforesaid shall be given to villagers, and after due enquiry correct the entries which may be found to be incorrect. 11[He shall cause the Talathi to make resultant changes in the entries in the respective Khate–Pustika also].
Rule 31. Register of persons in possession other than the persons deemed to be in possession according to the Record of Rights,-
(1) During course of inspection of crops under Rule 30, the Talathi shall verify whether the person in actual possession of a survey number or sub-division of a survey number is the one whose name is recorded in the record of rights. If the Talathi finds that the person in actual possession is other than the persons who according to the entries in the record of rights is entitled to cultivate the land, he shall enter his name in the register of persons in possession other than the person who should have been in possession of the land according to the record of rights. The register shall be in Form XIV. As soon as may be practicable after any entries are made in the register, the Talathi shall forward the relevant extract thereof to the Tahsildar for necessary action.
(2) On receipt of the register in Form XIV, under sub-rule (1), the Tahsildar shall visit the village for making necessary enquiries about the possession of the land by the persons mentioned in the said register. He shall give prior intimation of the date and time of his visit to the Talathi and the Sarpanch of the Village Panchayat, if any, at least seven days in advance. The Talathi shall arrange to inform all the interested persons of the Tahsildar’s visit and shall call upon them to remain present in the village Chavdi 12[along with their Khate-pustika] at the appointed date and time.
(3) On the appointed date and time, the Tahsildar shall hear the persons interested and after holding further enquiry as he deems necessary decide the matter. 13[After the resultant entries are made in the record, he shall cause necessary entries to be made in the relevant khate-pustika].
Rule 32. Register of tenancies,-
A register of tenancies shall be maintained by the Talathi in Form XV for each agricultural year separately. The entries therein shall be tested by the Circle Inspector when he examines the crops, and by other officers of higher rank. When any error is discovered by any of these inspecting officers, they may correct it and initial the corrected entry:
Provided that no entry shall be corrected unless the person affected by such entry is given an opportunity to be heard.
G. Miscellaneous provisions applicable to all areas
Rule 33. Provision regarding intimation to be given by registering officers,-
(1) The intimation to be given to the Talathi and the Tahsildar under Section 154 by a registering officer registering any document under the Indian Registration Act, 1908 shall be given in duplicate in Form XVI separately in respect of lands included in a village. Such intimation shall be given in the 1st week of each month in respect of documents registered in the preceding month.
(2) On receipt of such intimation, the Talathi shall maintain the mutation entries effected in accordance with the intimation in column 13 of Form XVI and send a duplicate copy of such intimation to the Tahsildar.
Rule 34. Revenue Officer competent to exercise powers under Sections 80 and 81,-
(1) Any revenue officer may exercise the power of a survey officer to issue general notices under Section 80.
(2) Any Aval Karkun shall be competent, if so required by the Tahsildar to exercise the power of a survey officer to issue summons under Section 80.
(3) Any revenue officer not below the rank of an Assistant or Deputy Collector shall be competent to assess under Section 81, the cost of the operation or revision of maps or plans and all contingent expenses including the cost of clerical labour and supervision, on the lands to which such maps or plans relate. Such cost shall be so assessed that it will cover the entire cost of measuring, assessing and mapping the land.
Rule 35. Preparation of record of rights in areas in which town planning scheme has come into force,-
As soon as a final town planning scheme has come into force in any area under the provisions of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966, the Talathi shall prepare a fresh record of rights as to accord with the said scheme. The fresh record of rights so prepared shall be deemed to be the fair copy of the record of rights as provided in sub-rule (7) of Rule 5, and all provisions of sub-rules (8), (9), (10) and (11) of Rule 5 shall apply to such record of rights as they apply to the preparation of the first record of rights.
Rule 36. Corrections in record of rights and register of mutations in consonance with orders of appellate and revisional authorities,-
Whenever in consequence of an order passed by an appellate or revisional authority under the Code, any entry in the record of rights or register of mutations requires to be corrected, the Talathi shall do so indicating specifically in such record or as the case may be, register the number and date of the order passed by the appellate or, as the case may be, revisional authority and indicate the designation of such authority. Such correction shall be made without serving notices on the persons affected by the order.
[See Rules 3, 5, 6 and 7]
Record of Rights
Village___________ Taluka ________ District_____
Survey No. | Sub-division of Survey number | Tenure | Name of occupant | Khata No. |
“__” | Local Name of the field:- cultivable area:- | Occupant-Class I Hectares Ares “__” “__” | “__” Name of the tenant Rent Rs. P | |
Total | “__” “__” | |||
Pot Kharab | ||||
(un-cultivable) | ||||
Class (a) | ||||
Class (b) | ||||
Total | ||||
Rs Ps. | ||||
Assessment Judi or special assessment | Boundary and Survey marks |
[See Rule 4(1)]
Public Notice
Whereas, it has been decided by the State Government to prepare a record of rights in the village______ in_____ taluka of______ district for the first time under the provisions of the Maharashtra Land Revenue Code, 1966;
And whereas, it is necessary to collect all information about the rights held by various persons in the lands in that village;
Now, therefore, I____________ (here enter the name) the Talathi of the said village, hereby call upon all person who have any interest in the 14[lands] in the said village to furnish to me, either in writing or orally, information on all or any of the following points, within one month from the date of this notice, namely—
(i) survey number and sub-division number, if any, of the land in which he has any interest as holder, 15[occupant], owner, tenant, landlord, mortgagor, mortgagee, Government lessee, assignee of rent or revenue or in any other manner.
(ii) the nature of interest in the land, that is to say whether the land is held as holder, occupant, owner, tenant, landlord, mortgagor, mortgagee or assignee, etc.
(iii) the tenure on which the land is held, that is to say, whether the land is alienated or un-alienated, and in case of un-alienated land whether held as Occupant Class-I, Occupant Class-II or as Government lessee.
(iv) the encumbrance or charge, if any, on the land, the name of the holder of such encumbrance or charge.
Talathi of_________
[See Rules 5(2), 16 and 25]
Register of Disputed Cases
Sr. No | Serial No. in mutation register or rough copy of record of rights | Survey No. and sub-division No. | Date of receipt of objection | Particulars of dispute with of Officer Names of disputing parties | Decision of Officer |
1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. | 6. |
[See Rule 5(3)]
Public Notice
Whereas, it has been decided by the State Government to prepare a record of rights in the village_____ in________ taluka of___________ district for the first time under the provisions of the Maharashtra Land Revenue Code, 1966;
And whereas, a rough copy of such record of rights has been prepared by me as required by sub-rule (1) of Rule 5 of the Maharashtra Land Revenue Record of Rights and Registers (Preparation and Maintenance) Rules, 1971 and is kept at_________ for inspection by all persons affected by any entries in such rough copy or having interest in the lands in the said village on any day before the____ day of_______, _______ between the hours___________
Now, therefore, I__________________ (here enter name), the Talathi of the said village, hereby call upon all persons having interest in the lands in the said village to inspect the said rough copy of the record of rights, and to submit to me in writing within thirty days from the day aforesaid, their objections, if any, to any of the entries in the said copy;
I hereby further inform the said persons that entries in the said copy of the record of rights will be read aloud in public, and the objections to the entries received by me within the period aforesaid shall be inquired into and decided by________ on16________ at [place and time] and call upon the said persons to be present on that date and at that place and time.
Talathi of_________
[See Rule 5(4)]
Individual Notice
Please take notice that Shri_______________________ of_______ has submitted to me the following objection in respect of the entries made in the rough copy of the record of rights of the village____________ prepared by me as required by sub-rule (1) of the Rule 5 of the Maharashtra Land Revenue Record of Rights and Registers (Preparation and Maintenance) Rules, 1971 in respect of Survey No.______________.
(Here mention briefly the objection)
Please take further notice that the said objection will be inquired into and decided on_________ at (place and time).
You are hereby, therefore, called upon to be present on the said date and at the said place and before the inquiry officer to say whatever you may have to say in respect of the aforesaid objection. Please note that if you fail to remain present either personally or through an agent, the objection will be decided in your absence.
Yours faithfully,
Talathi of_________
[See Rule 5(8)]
Public Notice
Whereas, a fair copy of the record of rights for the village__________ in taluka of_____________ district has been prepared by me as required by sub-rule (7) of Rule 5 of the Maharashtra Land Revenue Records of Rights and Registers (Preparation and Maintenance) Rules, 1971 and kept open for inspection at]17_______on]18 between]19________ and]20_________.
And whereas, the fair copy will be finalised by___________ (here mention designation of the officer)________ on_________ at place and date________ after hearing objections, if any, in respect of any particulars entered in that copy.
Now, therefore, I________________ (here enter name) the Talathi of the said village hereby call upon all persons affected by any entries in the fair copy or having interest in the lands of the said village to inspect the said copy. I further call upon those persons who may be aggrieved by the decisions in the disputed cases to hand over their objections to such decisions to me before_________ for being heard and decided by the aforesaid officer and to remain present before him at the time of hearing objections. It should please be noted that if they fail to remain present the disputed cases will be decided in their absence.
Talathi of_________
[See Rules 9 and 22]
Form of Acknowledgement of the Report regarding Acquisition of Right
Received from__________ of________ village,__________ taluka_________ on________, ____ a report orally/in writing regarding the acquisition of rights in respect of Survey No.___________, Sub-division No.__________ of________ village, in the______ taluka with the following documents in support thereof:-
Talathi of_________
[See Rule 10]
Register of Mutations
Serial No. of entry | Nature of right acquired | Survey and sub-division Nos. affected | Initials or remarks by testing officers |
1. | 2. | 3. | 4. |
[See Rules 14 and 24]
Intimation under Section 150(2) of the Maharashtra Land Revenue Code, 1966
Whereas, an entry has been made in the register of mutations of the village_______ in the_________ taluka regarding the acquisition of rights in land as specified below:-
Serial No. or date of entry in the register of mutations | Nature of rights acquired | Survey number or sub-division number in which the rights have been 21[acquired] |
22[And Whereas, it appears to me from the record of rights/register of mutations that you are interested in the said mutation;
23[And Whereas, I have reason to believe that you are interested in the mutation;
Now therefore, I__________________ (here enter name), the Talathi of the village in which the aforesaid land is situate, hereby intimate to you about the said mutation entry, and call upon you to send to me either orally or in writing within fifteen days from the date of receipt of this intimation, your objection, if any, to the said entry.
Please note that if no objection is received by me within the said period of fifteen days, it shall be presumed that you agree to the said entry.
Talathi of_________
[See Rules 15 and 25]
Form of Acknowledgement of objection to Mutation Entry
Received from_________ of_____________ village, in the______ taluka, on_____________, ______ objection orally/in writing in respect of mutation entry No. of_________ village in the________ taluka__________.
Talathi of_________
[See Rule 17(1)]
The Talathi of________ taluka__________
I am hereby informing you that I shall be camping at_________ in village_________ taluka_____ for the purpose of certifying the mutation entries made in the register of mutations of__________ village in your charge, which may have been made since the last visit of the Certifying Officer, and for the purpose of deciding disputes entered in the register of disputed cases relating to such mutation entries, I, therefore, call upon you to issue notices in Form XII appended to the Maharashtra Land Revenue Record of Rights and Registers (Preparation and Maintenance) Rules, 1971, to all persons who appear from the village record to be interested in the mutation entries to be certified and the disputes about them, at least fifteen days before the date of my camp.
Yours faithfully,
Certifying Officer
[See Rule 17(1)]
Whereas, an entry has been made in the register of mutations of the village______ in the___________ taluka regarding acquisition of rights in lands 24[as] specified below:-
Serial No. of mutation entry | Nature of rights | Survey number and sub-division number affected |
And whereas, the certifying officer will camp at____________ in village_______ in the_________ taluka on____________.
25[for the purpose of,-]
26[(a) certifying the said entry;
27[(b) deciding disputes entered in the register of disputed cases in respect of the said entry and certifying the said entry;
And Whereas, you appear from the village record to be interested in the said entry;
Now, therefore, I__________________ (here enter name), the Talathi in charge of the village in which the aforesaid land is situate, hereby give notice to you to remain present 28[alongwith the Khate-Pustika] before the certifying officer on_____ at______ between___________ and___________ for placing before him your objections to the said entry. Please also note that if your fail to remain present, it shall be presumed that you have nothing to say in the matter, and the dispute about the entry will be decided and the entry certified in your absence.
Talathi of_________
[See Rule 29]
Register of Crops in
Detailed | |||||||||||||
Mixed | |||||||||||||
Year | Season | Code No. of Mixture | Irrigated | Unirrigated | Constituted crops with area under each | ||||||||
Name of Crop | Irrigated | Unirrigated | |||||||||||
1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. | 6. | 7. | 8. | ||||||
H.A | H.A | ||||||||||||
Cropped area | |||||||||||||
Crops area Pure crops area | |||||||||||||
Name of crop | Irrigated | Unirrigated | Land not available for Cultivation | Source of Irrigation | Remarks | ||||||||
Nature | Area | ||||||||||||
9. | 10. | 11. | 12. | 13. | 14. | 15. | |||||||
H.A. | H.A. | ||||||||||||
[See Rule 31]
Register of persons in possession other than the persons deemed to be in possession of the land according to the record of rights
Village_______________ Taluka___________
Sr. No. | Survey No. | Sub-division of Survey No. | Khate No. | Year | Name of person in possession of the land other than the persons recorded in the record of rights | Date from which the person in Col. 6 is in possession of the land | Remarks |
1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. | 6. | 7. | 8. |
[See Rule 32]
Register of Tenancies
Village_____ Taluka_______ Year________
Sr. No. | Serial No. of the last year’s register | Name of tenant (in Marathi Alphabetical order) | Name of the landlord | Survey No. and Hissa No. | ||
1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. | ||
Area | Assessment | Rent | Serial No. of the entry in the mutation register | Remark | ||
6. | 7. | 8. | 9. | 10. | ||
[See Rule 33(1)]
Registering Officer’s monthly return of registered transactions affecting land in_____ village________ Taluka________ District for the month of______, ___
Serial No. in registration | Name of village in which the land is situated | Nature of the document | Survey No. (or plot No) and sub-division No. affected by the transaction | Area | Assessment | |||||
1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. | 6. | |||||
Tenure | Name and residence of the executor of the document | Name and residence of the person in whose favour the document is executed | Whether the document registered in transaction is by order of Court or otherwise | Consideration | Date of execution of the document | Remarks | ||||
7. | 8. | 9. | 10. | 11. | 12. | 13. | ||||
Designation of the Registering Officer
The Tahsildar of_________ Taluka________ District
The Talathi of___________ Village_________ Taluka
Foot Notes:-
1. Amended by (1) No. UNF-2267-(A)-R- (Spl). 20.5.1972. M.G.G. Pt.IV-B. dated 8.6.1972, P.1114 (Corrigendum).
2. Ibid.
3. Amended by (1) No. UNF-2267-(A)-R- (Spl). 20.5.1972. M.G.G. Pt.IV-B. dated 8.6.1972, P.1114 (Corrigendum).
4. Amended by (1) No. UNF-2267-(A)-R- (Spl). 20.5.1972. M.G.G. Pt.IV-B. dated 8.6.1972, P.1114 (Corrigendum).
5. Amended by (1) No. UNF-2267-(A)-R- (Spl). 20.5.1972. M.G.G. Pt.IV-B. dated 8.6.1972, P.1114 (Corrigendum).
6. Added by 7.9.1983.
7. Added by 7.9.1983.
8. Amended by (1) No. UNF-2267-(A)-R- (Spl). 20.5.1972. M.G.G. Pt.IV-B. dated 8.6.1972, P.1114 (Corrigendum).
9. Inserted by G. Notification of 7.9.1983.
10. Added by G. Notification of 7.9.1983.
11. Ibid.
12. Inserted by G. Notification of 7.9.1983.
13. Added by G. Notification of 7.9.1983.
14. Amended by (1) No. UNF-2267-(A)-R- (Spl). 20.5.1972. M.G.G. Pt.IV-B. dated 8.6.1972, P.1114 (Corrigendum).
15. Ibid.
16. The date to be mentioned shall not be earlier than thirty days from the date of expiry of the period allowed for submission of objections.
17. Here mention the place where the copy is kept for inspection.
18. Here mention the dates on which the copy can be inspected.
19. Here mention the hours during which the copy can be inspected.
20. Ibid.
21. Amended by (1) No. UNF-2267-(A)-R- (Spl). 20.5.1972. M.G.G. Pt.IV-B. dated 8.6.1972, P.1114 (Corrigendum).
22. Strike out which is not applicable.
23. ibid.
24. Amended by (1) No. UNF-2267-(A)-R- (Spl). 20.5.1972. M.G.G. Pt.IV-B. dated 8.6.1972, P.1114 (Corrigendum).
25. Ibid.
26. Strike out which is not applicable.
27. Ibid.
28. Inserted by 7.9.1983.